Monthly Archives: March 2012

BBMS Video Fun…

Just ran across this link online that the Big Bear Middle School’s “Media Tech Kids” put together a few months ago for morning announcements. Looks like there’s a lot of great things going on over there. Also great to see kids having fun while learning 21st Century skills in media production. Check it out!

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North Shore 6th graders become stewards of their forest…

Thank you San Bernardino National Forest Service

Today and tomorrow the 6th graders of North Shore Elementary join volunteers and staff with the San Bernardino National Forest Association on a 3-hour hike on the Woodland Tail to learn about winter adaptions of plants and animals, the water cycle, our watershed and how to become stewards of their backyard, the San Bernardino National Forest.

What a wonderful example of collaboration with our community experts to educate our kids as to the intricate environment in which they live.

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