Melanie Martinez and Safe School Ambassadors

Melanie Martinez leads the Safe School Ambassador Program

Melanie Martinez is the facilitator of the Safe School Ambassador program at Big Bear Middle School. As Melanie herself put it, “This program works from the inside out.” Unlike traditional programs involving an outside adult providing guidance for children, the Safe School Ambassador program puts the kids themselves in the role of teaching one another about respecting others, themselves and their school. Certain students who are natural leaders within the school community are trained to be examples for those in their very own circles of influence.

After all, what is more important to a middle school aged child – what an adult thinks of them or what their peers think of them?

Under the guidance and direction of Melanie Martinez through the Safe School Ambassadors program, Big Bear Middle School has undergone a cultural transformation this year. As Principal Tina Fulmer noted, last year there were 12 fights on campus by this point in the school year. This year there have been ZERO. But it goes far beyond that. Student respect and morale are at an all-time high.

As BBMS TRAC coach Dena Arbaugh explained, she has seen trendy programs come and go over the years, but this one actually works and is here to stay.

What a fantastic job that Melanie and the students of BBMS have done in making their site more than just their school. They’ve made it their home!

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