Safe School Ambassadors, Security Cameras and Soroptimists!

Big Bear Soroptimists and Safe School Ambassadors

What do these three things have in common? It’s somewhat of a long story, but here’s the short version.

Our local Big Bear Soroptimists organization has been a long-time, ardent supporter of the children in our community as well as our schools. They took it upon themselves to raise and donate enough money to fund a program at Big Bear Middle School called Safe School Ambassadors to make the middle school a safer, kinder place for our children.

But they didn’t stop there. In addition to funding the Safe School Ambassadors, they also donated money for a state-of-the-art security camera system.

According to the middle school principal, Tina Fulmer, the contrast in student behavior and discipline problems to years past has been nothing short of remarkable. Kids are treating themselves, their peers and their school with much more respect while those who are still tempted to do otherwise have learned to think twice knowing they’re being watched and recorded. Because of fewer discipline problems, the staff can focus their energy more efficiently in teaching and counseling the children.

Kudos Soroptimists for recognizing the importance of our valley’s children and for being so proactive and generous in providing help to our schools! You are a fine example of what collaboration and community support can accomplish for our kids!

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