Monthly Archives: January 2012

Making students’ lives better, one bite at a time…

Bonnie Langelier’s Special Education class has their own specialized menu at North Shore Elementary School. For the last few months, students have been eating gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free diets. Courtesy of efforts from Bonnie, students’ parents, and the District nutrition services, all students get breakfast and lunch prepared daily. This is a healthier diet to help children with special needs. What lucky kids to have their own personal in class chef! And all due to the time, effort and contributions of those who pledged to better their students’ and children’s lives!

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Freedom Writers…

When teachers and community set their mind to things, anything is possible. A letter writing campaign, planned for February 7th at Big Bear Middle School at 5pm, is focused on letting our elected representatives know how we feel about the staggering cuts to our children’s education. This amazing event was scheduled by an inspiring group of teachers and community members. Kudos to the people for taking action!

Please join us! Here is an event link:


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Your favorites…

I just discovered the polling function! Let’s have some fun.
Please read through the posts below and then VOTE. It only takes five minutes and will bring a smile to your face!

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Full time educators – Part time grant writers…

Board prez Randy Putz, Teacher Jim Fipps, Superintendent Kurt Madden, and Principal Melinda Peterson

When they’re not doing their daily duties at the school sites, Teacher Jim Fipps and Principal Melinda Peterson were spending their free time writing grants to support student’s health and physical fitness.

The best part is that they not only wrote the grants, but were awarded those grants as well! Thank you for your AWESOME dedication to making our schools better for our kids!

It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigor.  ~ Cicero

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Day Of Understanding…

Keith Hawkins shares some wisdom...

Student Government never falls short in finding engaging and powerful speakers and activities. But Keith Hawkins and his Day Of Understanding trumps them all. It’s simple – create a forum in which high school students from different races, genders, backgrounds and cliques openly share their life’s triumphs and challenges… then get them talking. It was one of the most effective assemblies I have ever experienced. Great job BBHS STUDENT GOVERNMENT and HIGH SCHOOL STAFF for embracing more than just academics and going out of your way to help your students become better people.

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”  ~Albert Einstein

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AWESOME facebook posts by committed teachers..

“Brought a basket of fruit to my class today..the basics, apples, oranges, banannas..because I am sad to see my students mowing down pop tarts and flamin’ hot cheetos at 9:30 AM.

You should have seen them savor the flavorful fruit instead of that other garbage. I will do it everyday until I can’t afford it…they deserve it. And a few even offered to bring some in to refill the basket. Sweet kids..”

~Sharon O’Hare Meagher @ Big Bear Middle School~

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Reading Buddies Rock!!!

North Shore Elementary students are working together in an amazing way.  All our kindergarten students have their very own fifth or sixth grade buddy who helps them three times a week.  They are given one-on-one attention and help with sight words, reading, math, and writing.  With their help, our kindergartners are really starting to soar!  But, it’s not all hard work — we have fun together, too!  This year, we had a Thanksgiving feast together, complete with costumes, turkey lunch meat, and pumpkin pie.  We are truly thankful for our buddies and think we have an awesome thing going on at our school!  Thank you, buddies!
Joy Wright
Kindergarten Teacher at North Shore Elementary

Giving thanks for their READING BUDDIES!!!

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Building peace one pledge at a time…

Our school community has adopted “The Peace Builder Pledge” to encourage our children to be the best they can be. The pledge is made every morning at each elementary school site. What an AWESOME way to start the day!

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Art programs that are plain AWESOME!

Mrs. Seaman is doing some amazing things in the art department out at the High School. I have to say I was really impressed when I ran across an online album of their work.

But as it turns out, the story behind it is even better.

I guess there has been a huge team effort involving district and site administration, a committed maintenance department, and a lot of work by Julia herself to remodel the art room out at the high school in order to make it a place where kids’ imaginations can soar.

It’s been an ongoing project that’s lasted months and has taken hundreds of hours to complete. MANY of these being UNPAID hours, I’m sure. But the dedication has paid off as can be witnessed by the projects the high school kids have been working on.

To see the online album of some of their impressive projects, click here:

Kudos to Tim Larson, Mike Ghelber, Terry Planz and his dedicated maintenance staff, and Julia Seaman for doing what it takes to make school an awesome place for our kids!

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Jordan recalls the mural that inspired his journey...

It was a mural in the hallway of Jordan Romero’s elementary school that inspired him to become the youngest person ever to climb the highest peak on each continent. Kristie Bishop gives credit to her 5th grade teacher for inspiring her to excel in math and science. She recently received a full scholarship to graduate school at M.I.T. to study aeronautics with a research stipend to boot!

These are just two of what are surely countless examples.

It is inspiration that may be the most influential and powerful gift our kids receive from our school community!

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Helping ALL of our community succeed!

Twice a year for 10-12 weeks each session and provides English instruction and resources for families who would like to learn English!  District-supported and under the direction of Annemieke Stalcup, the FBET program is open to any person who would like to learn English.  Families are welcomed and children are provided instruction and care, as well!  This program has grown immensely throughout the years and now provides an excellent resource for our EL families!  The program is housed at Big Bear Elementary School but is open to anybody in the community.  The Spring session will be advertised in local media and on district resources. (FBET – Family-Based English Tutoring)

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Running with and for students…

Whether it was Moving A Million Miles in support of local Olympian Ryan Hall, running to join the 100 Mile Club, or enduring a 100 mile ultra-distance run to raise money for the Baldwin Lane track, Big Bear runs with and for our students. From the Superintendent, all the way down to the youngest child, Bear Valley Unified helps promote an active, healthy lifestyle by embracing a variety of running events and programs.

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Mrs. Knapik’s Chocolate Chip Cookies…

Mmmm. One of Big Bear Elementary’s best kept secrets is Mrs. Knapik’s Chocolate Chip Cookies. If you’re lucky enough to have been treated to this chocolately goodness, laced with Mrs. Knapik’s  loving enthusiasm, you know. Mmmm.

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Teachers who had your child 10 years ago and still care about them…

Maryann Lewis taught my son 2nd grade a decade ago when we first moved to Big Bear. And despite retirement and a whole decade passing, she still remembers him and cares enough to ask about him. Mrs. Lewis is not unique in this regard. Many of our local teachers do this regularly, and I know my children can count on a warm Big Bear welcome from former teachers long after they have left their classrooms.

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“The Space” at Big Bear Elementary

In it’s third year in existence, “The Space Creativity Lab” at Big Bear Elementary School is an on-campus location that serves as a recess alternative and student creativity resource room.  Funded originally by the Bobcat Booster Club and maintained and stocked solely on community donations, The Space is the place for students to explore, paint, act, build, tinker, compute, draw, write, and read!  The Space was created after the school community realized a need for a location on campus for students to have a creative outlet and has been a wildly popular place to be ever since! Simply AWESOME!

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Big Bear’s Strings Program and Orchestra

A simply spectacular program run by tireless individuals dedicated to making kids lives better. It is award winning, inspires and challenges students to amazing levels, and is a poignant example of why the arts need to be in our schools. And most impressive of all, surviving and thriving in spite of being a victim of budget cuts!

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Being flash mobbed at Baldwin Lane’s board meeting…

Wow! The very definition of AWESOME. Creativity, courage and FUN all rolled into one. Now that’s what school’s about!

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Mr. Charlie Robinson

There’s nothing more awesome than the upbeat welcome you get every day from Mr. Robinson at North Shore Elementary. He is the first person you see every morning and never EVER fails to bring smiles to everyone’s faces. It’s a great way to start the school day. He can even tell you how many days are left before the next school break 😉

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Mrs. Powell

My son’s first grade teacher is awesome. She makes my son feel loved every day. The example she sets for my son as a person is far more important than any academic lesson he will learn. Thank you Mrs. Powell!

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